Sunday, March 3, 2013

Where is love?

Dear Energy Lady,
I have been searching for love as long as I can remember.  I've had relationships, and some of them were really good.  But even when I'm in a great relationship, I find myself wanting more.  So I keep searching...for my soul mate?  Lasting happiness?  Joy beyond measure?  I really don't know.  It just feels like I should keep looking.

Am I crazy?


Dear Searching,
No, you're not crazy, at least not from an energy standpoint.  But it may not be romance alone that you're looking for.  Love is found in relationships, but not only with one other person.  As Van Gogh once said, "The way to know life is to love many things."

We are in relationship with everything in our lives--every person, every object, every situation.  So, in essence, we are in relationship with ourselves, both as the human beings we are, and with what we have attracted, accepted or encountered in our lives.  The quality of each relationship depends upon many factors, but at least one is how much we're willing to be present to the love that is in it or could flow from it.

Some people feel that objects will never love us back, but the fact is that we do receive love from anything that opens our hearts and helps us feel alive or peaceful.  People fall in love with running, model trains, a wonderful bottle of wine, collectibles, chess, art, music, dance, sports--you name it.

In human relationships, there are as many kinds of love as there are people.  There is a wonderful movie called "Love Actually," that takes a lighthearted look at many different types of love and notes at the end that love actually IS all around us.  You can see love everywhere, from the brightest to the darkest moments.  In fact, the latter is when some of us are the most vulnerable and open to love, and it pours out of people in waves of support and caring.

The reason why we fall in love with love is because love is where we come from and what we are made of.  All energy flows from consciousness, and consciousness, spirit, source energy--whatever you want to call it--is all love.  If you need proof of that, read any of the many books of people who have experienced the higher levels of vibration, either through near death experiences, enlightenment or simply letting go of fears and blocks.

But you don't need to "go to the other side" to feel what you're seeking--the beauty of a smile you know is meant for you.  The happiness of a friendship or a marriage that lasts for decades.  The joy of discovering the world anew through the eyes of a child--even one that is not your own.  The enjoyment of a radiant sunset.  The satisfaction of a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning, a job well done, or a great book that you can't put down.  The enthusiasm when your favorite sports team is winning.

As for romance, there are probably at least 100 people with whom you could create a nice life.  If that is what you want and are not finding, then question if you're really looking to love or to be loved, and under what terms you're willing to give and/or receive that love.  If your conditions are too limited, it may be difficult to find and/or keep.

Just remember: there are endless ways to find love, right here on earth.  So keep seeking, and enjoy your treasures!


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