Monday, March 11, 2013

Moving up the vibrational scale

Dear Energy Lady,
I just read your blogpost about the vibrations of love being 500 on a scale of 0-1000.  How do you know where you are on that scale?  And how do you keep going higher?

Stuck at the bottom

Dear Stuck,
For the best description of the scale of vibration, I recommend you read any of David Hawkins' books.  Today, I'll be referring to "Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment." It was published in 2006 by Veritas Publishing in Sedona, AZ.

On page 33 of this book, you will see a vibrational scale.  Dr. Hawkins also calculates the rate of happiness at each level.  I put these in parentheses by each vibrational number.  Here is what the scale looks like:

Shame 20 (1)

Guilt 30 (4)

Apathy, hatred 50 (5)

Grief 75  (9)

Fear 100   (10)

Desire 125   (10)

Anger 150  (12)

Pride 175  (22)

Courage 200  (55)

Neutrality 250  (60)

Willingness 310  (68)

Acceptance 350  (71)

Reason 400  (79)

Love 500  (89)

Unconditional Love 540 (96)

Joy 570 (99)

Peace 600 (100)

Enlightenment 700-1000  (100)

The book goes into detail about each vibrational level, including how to transcend it.   So while you may be able to guess where you are at any given moment, I would recommend you read the book to gain greater insight.

Each level ties to emotions and states of being.  Part of the process of evolutionary growth is becoming aware of where you are and where you'd like to be.

So many of us "try hard" in our lives.  We work long hours.  We sacrifice for others.  We are victims of circumstance, heritage and a hundred other things.   All of this resists the natural flow of energy in our lives.  One of the reasons why I write this blog is to suggest that there is a better way for us to truly live and enjoy our lives here on earth, and that is to live as the loving energy we are.

What I'm saying is that today is as good a day as any to open to love.   One of the ways we can do that is to be a witness to the around us.  Today, I saw love in many places: when a woman on the freeway honked at me gently because I didn't see her when I changed lanes.  Her safe driving saved both of us a lot of hassle.  When I was walking in my office building, and a man far ahead of me noticed I was carrying several items and held both doors.  When our office administrator said good morning and gave me a bright smile.  When I watched a TED video over lunch of a young poet who spoke of what it feels like to be bullied, and how he survived.  When I saw a news story of people on a beach in New Zealand making a human chain to save the life of a 12 year old boy who had swam out too far.  When I received an email response quickly to a request I made.  When I walked in the door and saw my darling husband already making dinner.  When Ed Asner was complimenting Valerie Harper on an entertainment show.  You get the idea.

Again, you could call this a gratitude list, but I just call it "allowing love to reach me."  Many people are willing to give love, but they cannot or will not receive it.   Receiving love makes you peaceful, and it inspires you to give more of it.  For when you do it, you'll notice that in spite of a small number of people doing some things that suggest they have disconnected from love, you'll see far, far more of people being smart, kind, thoughtful, gracious, intelligent, careful, loving, generous and more.

Shift your focus.  As you do, you'll raise your vibration with little or no effort on your part.  Happiness has always been yours, no matter what level you're at right now.  To know and experience more of it, simply let go of the lower vibrational states, and you'll naturally rise to the next level.


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