Saturday, March 16, 2013

Take a Load Off!!

Dear Energy Lady,
I'm overweight, and I'm sick of dieting.  Is there a way I can use energy to help me?

Carrying a heavy burden

Dear Burdened,
Let me tell you a story.  I was working with a woman who wanted to lose 50 pounds, and she was faithful to both her diet and her exercise plan.  But she plateaued at one point, and nothing was working.

So I asked her to just tell me her story.

"We'll, we have donut day every Tuesday, and everyone goes but me," she said.  "I'm really good about it.  I'll walk by that donut room 25 times, and won't take a bite.  But the darnedest thing always happens.  Somehow, I still manage to gain another pound or two the next day.  It's really depressing."

I replied, "As an energy field, you are always imprinting information on your physical form.  Add to that there's no such thing as not creating.  So when you say, "I'm NOT going to eat a donut," the "not" drops out, and what your body hears is, "I'm going to eat the donut."  If you do that 20 times in a day, your body holds the energy of 20 donuts. So that's why the scale goes up the nest day."

I then asked, "What do you want to do?  What would make you happy?"  And she answered with a sigh,

"I just want to go in there with my friends and be normal like everyone else.  I want to eat a donut and enjoy it!"

I suggested that she do that, and the next week she came in with a huge smile.  "I did it!  I went in, sat down with my friends, and took my favorite kind of donut-the kind with the cream inside.  I savored every bite, but you know what?  I was so satisfied that I didn't even feel like finishing the whole thing."  She paused.  And here's the funny thing-I never gave it another thought the rest of the day. Then I got on the scale the next morning, and I'd actually LOST a pound!"

So I explained, "the more you resist something, the more it clings to you.  When you stopped resisting, you lost that negative energy.  And when you stopped thinking about it, it stopped clinging to you as well.  Also, most people love to gain things.  So thinks of it this way-the more happiness you gain, the more satisfied you'll be.  And the more satisfied and happy you are, the more you "take a load off."  Lose the burden of fear and resistance, and you lose their heavy energy.  So you're working energy two ways."

Try it!  Find something that makes you happy, and let it satisfy you completely.  Take the load off your thoughts, and your body should feel "in-lightened."


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