Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Keeping my spouse safe in Afghanistan

Dear Energy Lady,
My wife is in Afghanistan, and I wonder if there is anything I can do with energy to keep her safe.  Any suggestions?

Loving but concerned husband

Dear Loving,
There are infinite things you can do with your energy, but the only thing you can't do is use it to change someone else's reality.  We all have free will, and it's important that we each be allowed to use it in whatever way we choose.

So while I can't tell you how to keep your wife safe, I can suggest something that may possibly contribute to that outcome:  send her your love and light.

Here's how you do it:  Sit quietly.  Put all your focus on your heart.  Imagine that there is a beautiful green light there, which is the color of your fourth chakra.  Watch the light as it glows; this is the light of true love.

Next, imagine yourself writing the word "safety" inside the light.  Watch as it makes the light glow stronger.

When you feel your love connected to this light of safety, release it.  Send it to your wife; just let it go.  Do not try to control how or when or if she receives it; again, she has free will, including the right to reject it entirely.  Your job is just to create it and send it, unconditionally.

You might get a sense of how it is received, or you might not.  But this I promise:  it will reach her.  You can also ask your family to do this, as well.  It is like a collective prayer, and the more energy you send, the stronger the effect.

Stories abound about people who have done this.  The recipients sometimes say things like, "I felt this incredible warmth" or "suddenly I just felt peaceful." It's equally possible that your wife won't know that anything has happened.  But you will.

Just know this:  doing this doesn't guarantee her safety, any more than not doing it sabotages it.  Believe me, plenty of people have been hurt in wars who were deeply loved.  But also know this:  it can only help.  It can't hurt.  And it will connect you in ways that Skype and email simply cannot.

My blessings to you and your family.  And I hope all the soldiers in wars come home safely.


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