Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Transforming negatives into positives

Dear Energy Lady,
I feel like a balloon that was once blown up and had all the air let out of it.  Pffffffft.  I used to be colorful, fun, lighter than air, and want to feel that way again.   I was once really happy, but now I feel like I'm in the wrong place, doing the wrong things for me.  I make a comfortable living and my family is happy, but I just feel like I'm going nowhere fast, and time is ticking.  I've really had enough--I want something wonderful to happen--NOW.  Any ideas?

Longing to fly high

Dear Longing,
This is going to sound funny, but you may be the luckiest person on earth right now.  People get very used to living in a state where they're a little bit frustrated, a little confused and a little stuck...all the time.  We think that's normal, and so we never do anything about it.

But you, lucky one--you have finally hit a point where you've drawn a line in the sand and declared, "no more!"  Doing so gives you a treasure that few have: clarity about what you don't want.  Until you know what you absolutely, positively do NOT want, it's hard to know what you do.

So write down everything that is bothering you about your current state.  Come on...pour it out.  Then, for each item, write down its opposite.  You've already done one such item in your letter--going from lifeless to full of life.  You can do this with your job, your relationships...anything and everything.

If you do, you'll soon see the vibrancy that you've been hiding.   Then read the new, happy words out loud.  Really feel them resonating in your system.  Sing them.  Turn them into a piece of art.  Put them on balled up pieces of paper and play with them, like you did with piles of autumn leaves.  Wrap them, one at a time, around your favorite beverage (water is best) and drink them (see the work of Masuru Emoto to explain why this works).  Sleep with them under your pillow.  Tuck them into your pockets or your purse and carry them with you.

In other words, after you've defined your happiness, start projecting it onto the field in the most playful way you know how.  Don't despair that you don't have those things--if you can imagine them, they're in your energy field somewhere.  And when you're done, simply declare, "This or something better!"

Finally, act.  Give yourself permission to be happy.  Make a phone call.  Write an email.  Read a book.  Take some action that resonates with the feeling you've created.   Get glowing!

So stop doing the wrong things for you.  Start doing the right ones.  No one can do this for you but you.

Happy creating!


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