Saturday, March 9, 2013

Reality versus dreaming

Dear Energy Lady,
I have a problem that I bet is shared by many other people.  I want and am ready for a new job.  The challenge is that I want the transition to be smooth, and right now, I'm in a low vibrational state because I'm not hitting the numbers I'm supposed to.  How do you reconcile an calendar empty of client delivery and low revenues energetically with a full calendar and high revenues?  I'm currently living the nightmare, and want to be living the dream.

Please, please help!

Seeking good vibrations

Dear Seeking,
You're right--many people share this problem with you.  They want things that come from high vibrations to happen, but they're stuck in a pattern of low vibration.  And you're also right when you say you can't create high when you're feeling low.

So what can you do?  Several things:
1) Don't fight the low feeling when it occurs.  Remember that doing so only gives it more energy.  When it comes up, try to observe it, without judgement.  Just accept that it is there.  Then use it for contrast.  Simply say, "Thank you for showing me how I absolutely, positively do NOT want to feel."  Then release it.  This should put you into a state of calm, at least for a few seconds.  Just this alone might shift things for you.

2) From that state of calm, open your heart and give yourself some love.  If you've been hard on yourself, focusing on the negative or what's missing or just feeling bad for what hasn't been happening, you've basically been allowing yourself to short-circuit your own good.   You'll need some kindness to start to change things.  Close your eyes and either feel the angels or your spirit guides bringing you love, or opening the door to your heart and letting out the love held there, flooding your entire body. Let love surround and infill you.  Stay in that state for as long as you can.

3) Finally, if you'd like to do something tangible, say, I'm ready to create something wonderful for myself and all those who work with me."  Then create a calendar with exactly the number of appointments you'd like to have.   You don't need to put in particular names, but rather, think of blocks of time you'd like to fill.  Then you can fill in the blocks either with "clients" or with a block of color that represents the feeling you get when you're serving clients now.  Each time you look at the calendar, simply say, "my calendar is as full as I want it to be with client time."  If you find yourself resisting or not believing this, all you have to do is say, "things are improving for me every day."  If you don't believe that, take the calendar, wrap it in prayer, and say, "this or something better, please."  Then release it.

In any case, remember this:  if you're looking for good vibrations, look no further than to yourself.  They exist in you, as you, right now.  It's just your negative thinking and focus that is hiding them--just like a cloud hiding the sun.  They're not in some other dimension or place.  They're right here as you read these words.  See if you can feel them...even just a little bit.

The more you enjoy the feeling, the more the other will fade away.  So, to whatever degree you are able, stay focused on love, not fear.  You will soon become a vibrational match to a new workplace that matches the love you're now giving forth.

All is well, my dear.  Truly--all is well.  Remember that.


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