Thursday, March 14, 2013

Something Wonderful is About to Happen

Dear Energy Lady,
I am tired of waiting for my life to begin.  I'm ready to be happy NOW.  I can put on a smiley face, but I'd really like some kind of surprise or delight to make my day.  Got any ideas for me?


Dear Eager,
OK--want to have a little fun?  Here goes:

Find a friend.  Then pick a subject that makes you feel good.  It can be anything--but the trick is that you have to be willing to talk about it for three or four minutes without using the word "but" even once.  If you use "but," you have to start over, because it kills the flow of energy to what you're creating.

Once you have the subject, start talking.  Your friend's role is to keep you talking using facial expressions, gestures and simple responses like "yes!" and "tell me more."  Your job is to let all the joy, love, wonder and delight you feel about this subject pour out.  (Note: subjects where you are passionate but angry don't count.  It has to be something that makes you feel good, not agitated.)

Talk about why you love the subject.  When you first realized that you were interested in it.  How you interact with it: do you read books about it?  Blog about it?  Engage others?  Save money for it?  Think about it all the time?  Have it as a hobby?  The point is that you love it, and are talking about it as if it is loving you back because of how it makes you feel.   Just keep talking, as if you were sharing your greatest treasure.  Go for at least three minutes, non-stop.  Five or six minutes is even better.

When you've poured out all you can, ask your friend to reaffirm for you what he/she heard.  It should all be positive.  Do not engage in any kind of dialogue about why you can't have it or why you feel deprived of it.  Just play with it in happy, animated conversation, and then give your friend the opportunity to do the same with his/her favorite subject.

When you're both finished, smile and relax.  You've now made a creation on the quantum field, as you have spoken something into being, poured loving energy into it, and remained open to receiving it.  Because it came through you, you are vibrating with it.

Expect that within a few days (one of my coaching clients actually had something wonderful happen three hours later--a record!), something wonderful will happen in relation to it.  You'll hear a song; be offered an opportunity; see signs of it as you go about your day; run into someone who's connected to it in some way, etc.   These are things that some people call happy coincidences, but they're not random.  They are materializations of the construction you made in the quantum field.  No one else will get them but you--it's your creation.

Just remember--expect the unexpected!  That's half the fun.  You'll never know how your little "present" from the universe will show up.



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