Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sleep and waking up to the energy of the workplace

Dear Energy Lady,
I have a problem.  I handle stress ok during the day, but I find myself arguing with my boss as I go to sleep each night.  I always wake up a few hours later, and then have trouble going back to sleep because my mind starts talking again.  If I do fall asleep again, I find myself waking up with my fists clenched and again, arguing defensively in my thoughts.

How do I break this pattern?


Dear Exhausted,
I'm going to take a guess at something:  I bet you not only have trouble sleeping; my guess is that you're also finding yourself stuck in your job and not getting the results you want because your vibrational state is so low.  Each one is feeding the other, and you're right--such a situation is mentally and physically exhausting.  But there are things you can do to shift from being tired to being awake and aware.

When you're tired, your energy field is more vulnerable to the negativity of others.  If you work in a demanding office, chances are good there is an egregor there.  An egregor is energy made up of the negative thoughts of others.  It is usually stuck, fearful energy.

To see if this is happening to you, try this:  Sit quietly and imagine that your physical body is transforming into a ball of light.  Then imagine your company's logo.  Allow your ball of light to approach the logo.  One of three things will likely happen:

1) You, as light, will bounce right off the logo and not be able to get in
2) You will get in, but then disappear
3) You will get in and stay whole and vibrant

Try this to see if this is really the place where you should be working.  My guess is that you're disappearing when you get in, which is why your mind is so busy whipping up arguments: it simply wants to know that it is still alive.  Since it doesn't perceive it can feel good at the workplace, it drums up bad feelings to create the necessary contrast to get you out of there.  So when you identify a clear negative thought, like "my boss hates me"--imagine its opposite, "my boss loves me" or "I love me."  That will help you take steps towards how you want to feel and what you do want.

If this is not true, and if, when you get inside the logo you're still whole and vibrant, then you may simply have a block against succeeding.  Try the Tapping Solution, the Sedona Method or even traditional counseling to break through to the truth.

If, however, your goal is simply to get a good night's sleep, you can try reading something peaceful when you get into bed, meditating, or even sipping a glass of warm milk or a cup of camomile tea.  No matter what, though, do NOT do work email before bed!  Save it for morning.  Get your phone and computer OUT of the bedroom.

Further, there are things you can do to take some of the power away from your thoughts so they don't bother you as much.  For instance, before you go to bed, welcome the thoughts, and then watch them, as Eckhart Tolle would say.  Just observe them whining and complaining, as though you're listening to a small child.  Make a deliberate switch from thinking "I am unhappy" to thinking, "I have an unhappy thought, and I am now observing it."  When you pull yourself out of the emotion of it, it will start to lose its energy.

Same in the middle of the night.  Don't try to suppress the thought--watch it with detachment.  If that doesn't work, try using a mantra to go back to sleep.  I have found that if I say "I am" over and over and over while observing my breath, it usually settles things down.

If you wake up with your hands clenched, unclench them first, and then again, observe the thought.  Remember what I said above:  it may just be coming to you to tell you your soul and spirit are alive and well.  If you sense that is the case, then ask, "OK, spirit--you have my full attention.   What is it you want me to know or notice?"  Then listen for the answer.

Either way, your sleeplessness says that you are waking up energetically and spiritually.  So relax.  Love yourself as you are right now, and all will be well.


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