Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lose weight by gaining happiness

Dear readers,
I promised to follow up last night's post with another tonight about new ways to take a load off.  Yesterday, I explained that extra weight is really trapped energy; today, I'll share the one word that will help shake it loose:


The fact is, humans don't like to lose anything.  One of the reasons why so many of us resist change is because we associate change with loss.  But we love to gain, especially happiness.

So if you're overeating, what you may really be hungry for is more life, more love and more joy.  The problem is that you might think you don't deserve it or can't have it.  And nothing could be further from the truth.  You simply have to choose it.

Here's an example:  I coached a woman who was a supervisor in a nursing home.  She liked her job, but was terribly unhappy because often, the younger workers on hourly salaries called in "sick," and she would have to work extra shifts.  This meant that she couldn't get home in time to have dinner with her husband.   She didn't talk about overeating; she talked about her burdens at work and how exhausted they made her feel.

But when I saw her next, she was bright and smiling.  "Guess what?"  she said.  "I walked in to work the next day and said, 'I want a demotion!  I want to go back to being paid hourly, and because I have been here the longest, I get seniority rights and get to choose what shift I want."  And sure enough, she chose the 7 AM-3 PM shift.  So now she gets home every night for dinner with her husband, and has enough time to take a walk after dinner.  The result?  She lost 2 pounds the first week.

The point is, the more you empower yourself to accept and enjoy happiness, the easier it will be for you to lose weight.  If you don't know what would make you happy, look at what makes you unhappy.  The answer may lie there, as it did for the woman I was coaching.  Energetically, the goal is to align your thinking, speaking and action with what makes you feel good, as that is what opens the energy channel for more to come your way to keep you on the path.

Make a list of whatever burdens you or "weighs you down."  Think of how much lighter and more joyful your life would be without that burden.  But don't just try to take away the negative, because if you do only that, you create a void that will likely be filled again by what you don't want.

Instead, be ready to take away the negative AND fill the void with something new and positive.  The first time you do the positive thing, you'll be amazed at how light you feel!  


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