Thursday, March 21, 2013

Deciding Fullistically

Dear Energy Lady,
I have always been a rational, logical person, and make pretty good decisions in my life.  But I'd like to try some energy practices.  Can you give me something I can try?

Ready for More

Dear Ready,
Sure!  Try this:

When considering two decisions, write each one on a separate slip of paper.  Then get a couple of slips of plain paper, too.  Crumple up each of the slips of paper separately--you don't want to know what's on any of them by looking at them.  Or, if you like to be a little neater, use Post-it notes.  Fold the notes in on themselves with the sticky side in; they'll all be the same size, and you won't know what's inside them.

Then take all the notes/crumples and mix them up.  You can cup your hands around them and shake them, or you can put them in a hat or a bowl, or simply put them on a desk and stir them around.  Just make sure you don't know with your logical thinking mind which is which.

Next, stand up.  Take one and hold it to your belly, just underneath your belly button.  This is a major energy center in your body, and the link between the chakras above and below.  Close your eyes and take a few cleansing breaths.  Then wait.  You will either feel nothing at all, or feel yourself falling forward or backward.  Some energy practitioners will tell you that falling forward means that what's on the paper represents something that will take you forward; others will say that falling forward means that your body is rejecting what's on the paper.  I learned that if you feel a strong pull towards your body--in other words, feeling as if you could tumble backwards--that is the signal that your energy field wants to take this in and have it be part of you.  That's the one I use.

It really doesn't matter, though: you will need to decide which signal means what to you. Decide that before closing your eyes, so that you know what the signal means when it occurs.  It doesn't matter which one you choose; just make a choice.

Then, before opening the paper, test it again by holding it against your heart.  If you get the same signal, you can be sure you're on the right track.

You can also test it by holding it against your third eye, the seat of intuition.  Just hold it against the space between your eyebrows.

Hopefully, all of these will test similarly.  If they don't, you might want to test it against a specific chakra. If it's a decision that could impact your survival (financial or otherwise), you might hold it against your root chakra, which is in your genital area.  Creative issues can be tested against your second chakra, in your pelvis.  Issues of will or strength will test best near your third chakra, near your belly button; romantic questions can be tested against your heart chakra; questions of communication or finding your own voice can be tested against your 5th chakra, near your throat;  complex questions can be tested near your sixth chakra, between your eyes; and spiritual questions can be tested against your seventh chakra, at the top of your head.

Once you get your test results, open the paper and see what the decision is/was.  Then you can compare the answer your energy body gave you to the one you might have made logically.

If you get the blank piece of paper, it means that neither of your two choices is likely to be the right one for you, and you'll need to be open to something different.  

In the end, it's up to you--logic, energy/intuition or both.  Just remember this: make the decision, and then make it good!


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