Sunday, March 10, 2013

The vibrations of love

Dear Energy Lady,
I want my life to be the best it can possibly be.  I guess you could say I'm a bit obsessed with continuous improvement.  And mostly, things do get better and better for me.  The problem is that I don't feel any different when they do. Shouldn't my vibrations be rising as my life improves?  And if they do, shouldn't I feel lighter or brighter or something?

Still in the dark

Dear Dark,
You don't say this as such, so I'm going to take a guess at something.  You say you're on a mission of continuous improvement, so I'm wondering:  are you hyper-critical of yourself?  My guess is that when you look at what you have, you think, "Ok, that's good for now, but what's better than this?"   So this may be one reason why you're not getting any energy from any of your creations.

Look at it this way.  When God created the heavens and the earth, God didn't say, "Oops!  Forgot the land and the water!"  No, God blessed the creation and said, "This is good."   So before you move on to the next creation, bless the one you just finished and say, "This is good."   Better still would be if you could say why you think/feel it is good.  And better yet if you can relax for a little while (minutes?  hours?  days?), letting all those good vibes soak into you before moving on.

But if you simply can't relax ever, then try it this way:  when you look at what you created, even for an instant, look not at what it is, but rather, why it is.  For everything we create is to help us learn and experience more about love.  So look at your creations from your heart, not your head.

If you've ever been in love, you know that when you fall in love, you see every good thing about the other person.  You don't think; you feel.  In the moment when your creation comes true, experience it with that vulnerability, that wonder.  The moment will pass and so may the feeling of love, but the vibrational imprint will be there.

Remember, too, that everything in your life is light, and the origin of that light is love.  So in essence, everything and everyone is love.  And love is a very high vibration--on a scale of 1-1000, it's about 500.  David Hawkins, MD, PhD, has written about the fact that for every person who vibrates at 500 or above, 750,000 people are positively affected.

So if you really want to things to be better, start loving it as it appears before you each and every day.  There's no end to love, and nothing to "improve."  Just love to whatever extent you are able, in any way you know how.

Loving you,

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