Monday, April 1, 2013

Goal getting

Dear Energy Lady,
My mind is filled with goals, but even when I get started on them, I never seem to reach them.   Is there anything I can do energetically to change that?

Weary of trying

Dear Weary,
This is going to sound crazy, but stop trying to reach your goals.  The key word in that sentence is "trying."  When you "try," you basically disconnect yourself from having your goals fulfilled.   Energetically, you can't both "try" and "have."  You have to make a choice.  So choose "have."

I can hear your argument--"but I don't have the goals, and my body knows that I'm lying!"  So consider this:  your thoughts originate not in your brain, but in your mental body.  By the time you're aware of them, they have come through several different dimensions.  So you actually do "have" them, or rather--they have "had" you for quite some time.  They're yours in their vibrational state; they're attached to you, and they've been around long enough that you can't help but want to experience them in physical form.

OK, now I hear you saying, "But I haven't manifested them!"  Again, yes you have--the thoughts are your proof.  What you haven't done is take action on them and/or fulfill them in the physical world.  And that's an entirely different thing.

So here's another perspective.  The problem with reaching goals is just that--there's a mental separation between where you are now and where you'll be when you complete them.  In that separation is time, effort, space, etc.  But all that is just mind junk, since in the quantum universe, time is not linear and effort is not needed.  If you don't believe me, just visualize the result out loud.  Imagine not that you are at the starting line, but at the finish line, with your goal fulfilled.  Close your eyes and describe what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel when your happy ending has come true.  By doing this, you've made your goal come true in this moment.  That's really all you need to do to start bringing in what you need to experience it in physical form.  

If that's too esoteric, here's an easy trick to try:  just find something fun to do that gets you started.  As Yoda said in Star Wars, "Do or not do.  There is no try."  Or, as Nike says, "Just do it."  But make sure you're enjoying yourself.  As long as you're enjoying what you're doing, you're resonating with the feeling of having the result of the goal.   If you're not, question the goal.  Is this something you think you should want, or something that you FEEL that you want?  If it's the former, that may be one reason why you're not fulfilling the goals.  If it's the latter, then just keep doing one more thing each day that feels great and moves you forward.

So stop goal SETTING, and start goal GETTING.  Get that you already have it, or you couldn't be thinking about it.  Get that you are an energetic being, and that "trying" isn't necessary.  Get the feeling of having the goal fulfilled. And then get going and have some fun!


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