Monday, April 29, 2013

Choosing Energetically

Dear Energy Lady,
I often feel overwhelmed during the day--the work never stops coming!  I know my energy is off because I get headaches and feel exhausted, but I have no choice--it's what the job demands.  Any suggestions?

Boxed In

Dear Boxed,
You are not alone--it's easy for most of us to get caught up in tasks that fill our heads, hands and hours, leaving us feeling exhausted.  But there is an energetic remedy:


There are hundreds of choices that will give you more energy, and only you know every single one of them.   If you're wondering what they are, just start asking yourself, "what choice gives me energy now?" as many times a day as you can.

Before you pick up your to-do list:  "What choice gives me energy now?"
As you look at your email in-box:  "What choice gives me energy now?"
After you've worked for a couple of hours without a break:  "What choice gives me energy now?"
When you're interrupted when you don't want to be:  "What choice gives me energy now?"
When you're rushing to meet a deadline:  "What choice gives me energy now?"
When you're annoyed by a co-worker or a client, "What choices gives me energy now?"
When it's time to leave and there's more work to do:  "What choice gives me energy now?"

You will always feel, hear in your head or instinctively know the right answer, or you'll be given a sign as to what will give you the most energy.

Next comes the easy part:  follow your own advice.  Let your higher self lead the way, and you'll likely find that any choice that empowers, uplifts, relaxes or restores you not only gives you more energy, it also opens the flow of "coincidences" that make work even easier.  You'll still have the same amount of work, but it will get done a lot faster and with much less struggle and effort.  You'll also likely have energy at the end of the workday for the rest of your evening.

In other words, "Boxed," only you can unbox yourself.  So choose.  Choose for you, and you'll soon discover that by doing so, your choices support others because you'll be able to give higher service and will feel less resentful.  

Choose what works, here and now.  Give yourself energy, and you'll have more than what you need to make life work for you.


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