Sunday, April 14, 2013

Energy vampires at work

Dear Energy Lady,
I have a couple of colleagues who are real energy vampires.  No matter what the topic, they can find a way to say something negative about it.  It's really hard to be in meetings with them; I always end up leaving with a headache.  Is there anything I can do about them energetically?


Dear Exhausted,
It is easy for anyone of lower vibrational energy to pull yours down, which will make you feel heavy, tired and achy.   Remember that your natural state is one of happiness and joy, and you're meant to feel like a leaf floating along on the surface of a constant, clear stream to destinations that are pleasing to you.

There are two things you can do to protect yourself:
1) Raise your vibration as high as you can, and you'll likely find that you either won't be invited to the meeting they're in, or you'll have something else that gets in the way of your going.  In other words, when people are on different vibrational planes, their paths rarely cross.  So focus on what makes you happy and delighted at work.  Smile often.  Use music to uplift yourself, and maybe even dance in your office.  Meditate for a few minutes if you can.  Apply Feng Shui principles to your office so the energy flow is as good as it can be.  In other words, get happy.  Often, that is enough to put you on a different plane of experience than they.

2) If you do find yourself in the same space as they are, sit quietly and imagine a flow of loving energy coming down from above you and also up from the center of the earth, meeting in the space around your heart.  Then open your heart and let the light surround you in all directions, 360-degrees (remember to let it go beneath and above you as well).   Next, imagine that the outside of the bubble is rubber-like, so that any negative energies that come hear bounce off and away from you.  

If you feel comfortable, you can also try a third, more mind-based approach.  Whenever one of these people starts in on the negative, simply ask, "Do you have anything good to say on this subject?  I like to speak positively of people and things, and would like to focus on the good."  If they say no, then say, "Well, whenever you'd like to look at what's going right instead of what's going wrong, let me know.  I'll be glad to talk more about it then."  Then walk away.   I once did this with a friend, and believe it or not, it took her 5 YEARS to get back to me.  When I wouldn't listen to her negativity, she kept finding people who would, until she finally ran out of people and went for therapy.  The therapist really helped her a lot, and today, we're able to have good conversations without them turning negative.


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