Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The energy of prayer

Dear Energy Lady,
I pray every day.  It feels like my energy rises every time I do it, but I'm not sure.  Any comments?

God gives good vibes

Dear Good Vibes,
Yes, prayer can do wonders for raising your vibrational energy, depending on how you are as you pray.  If you are surrendering your doubts and fears without condition, praying will raise you up by throwing off the negative vibrations you've been carrying.  If you are thanking God and are in a state of high gratitude, your vibration will also rise.  If you are angry with God, however, and your prayer is full of "why me's?" and a feeling of victimization, you're probably not helping yourself much.  You're also not going to get any good vibes from asking for the destruction of something or someone you hate.   So you have to pray with good intention and love.

A simple but powerful prayer reflects something God says in the book of Genesis.  Look at anything or anyone before you, and say, "This is good."  Blessing others is a way to connect with God's creation in a powerful, loving way.  It instantly raises your vibrations, which often, can be felt by those you bless. Anne Lamott has a book on three basic prayers:  "Help"  "Thanks" and "Wow!"  All three have the power to lift you up.

Also, know that prayers done with loving intention can impact others positively.  You can send a prayer to anyone, any time, anywhere on the planet.  Its energy can be felt, especially if the person is in a vulnerable state (as in illness).  For more information, read Larry Dossey's books, "Prayer is Good Medicine" or "Healing Words."

Here is a positive prayer from Robin L. Silverman's book, "The Ten Gifts."   It can also help you raise your vibration:

"Creator, Friend, Lover of Life--
I bring You my peace.
It is the best that it can be right now,
And I offer it with all my heart and soul.
Deliver me to those who are ready to share it,
Willing to be a blessing to one another, and to You.
Help me to use my gifts fearlessly,
So that my presence brings joy to the life of the world.
Be with me, God, in every moment
As the love and beauty that inspires good.
Fill me with yes,
Ten thousand times: 'Yes!'
For I am here to embrace the life You have given me.
Let there be peace for me and for everyone
Today, and always.

Pray on!

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