Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Can't keep up my vibration at work

Dear Energy Lady,
I do everything I can to raise my vibration and keep it high.  I meditate at dawn, eat natural foods, only read or watch things that make me feel good, and try to remain as mindful as I can throughout the day.   The problem is that inevitably, I run into some energy vampire or customer problem that immediately throws me down into the range of anger or doubt.  What can I do about that?


Dear C,
You're describing a situation that most of us have experienced.  Even with the best intentions, we can find ourselves impacted by others with strong negative energy, and it can, indeed, pull us down.

As I have said many times, we cannot create in another's life.  But this said, we are all aspects of the same divine source, so it's possible to connect at a core level.

So try one of these approaches:
--Once you have yourself in a good vibrational state in the morning, put on a veil of protective white or pink light to keep out all energy that isn't loving or of higher vibration.  You can visualize this by focusing on your heart and letting the energy out around you, 360-degrees.  Or you can physically stand up, reach down and pull it up from the earth until it covers your body and over your head.

--Another thing you can try is to affirm, "I am love, and love surrounds and protects me from all negativity as I go about my day."  You can also use an affirmation before you walk in the door of your workplace:  "I intend to stay in the vibration of love today at work, regardless of circumstances."

--A third approach is to use the negative situation for love practice.  As you are being "attacked" vibrationally, send out a stream of unconditional love for the person or the situation.  Just love, love, love, love.  See the situation from a divine, not a human perspective.  Miracles can happen this way.

--Another idea is to see if the negative situation in any way represents unresolved anger, fear, doubt, etc. in you.  If so, an approach like Byron Katie's "The Work" might help you surface and resolve it once and for all.  (look at resources; use the "Judge Your Neighbor" worksheet and then call one of their free facilitators to help you through it)

--Finally, you can try expanding your etheric body to cover your entire workplace.  Then open your heart and fill it with green light and love.  In other words, change the vibrational environment and see if that doesn't change things for the better.

Wishing you a peaceful day at work!


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