Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Love and Safety

Dear Energy Lady,
I can't believe what happened in Boston yesterday, and I'm really starting to think there's no place and no way to stay safe in this world.   What's the energy of all this terror?  Is there really any way to counteract it?


Dear Scared,
Terrorist acts are outward evidence of intense fear, but if you look around, fear is everywhere.  We are exposed to violence constantly on TV shows, in movies and on video games.  Most of what our media reports is painful or shocking--good things rarely make the news.  Our advertisements tell us we're not thin enough, young enough, smart enough or lovable enough.  We compete with one another at work, creating winners and losers.  We are frightened of loss or pain, but we create it with our actions or think about it frequently.

So what is the energy of all this terror?  Low vibrations, kept low deliberately by continuing to stay connected to sources of pain or by the choice of keeping our negative thoughts.  What can counteract it?


I am NOT saying to love a terrorist or terrorist acts.  These are horrible and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.  But where there is terror, there is also great love.  You see it in the people who rush in to help.  You see it in forgiveness.  You see it in the victims who are sometimes able to make peace with themselves or those who brought them pain in spite of what happened.  You see it in all of the love, prayers and generosity of others who offer their support after a tragedy.

But here's the thing that you may be missing in all of this, and that is that like all people and things, the light of love--however diminished and distorted--exists in the being of a terrorist.  It is just lost or very confused.  This is a tragedy of a different kind, because once it has happened, it's hard to counteract.

So what can you do to stay safe?

First, on a practical note, you can always be aware of your surroundings, and report suspicious behavior or circumstances to the proper authorities.  There is no substitute for good old common sense.  You look both ways when you cross the street, don't you?

You can also trust that there are some very, very good people working in anti-terrorist agencies around the world, and they are doing everything in their power to prevent or solve these kinds of tragedies.

And if the news bothers you, stop watching it.  Read a good book or divert your attention to something soothing instead.

But equally as important, you can affirm and know that all of life is connected to Love.  It is our source; it is our being; and we are here to express and receive it.

The vibrations of safety start with you.  Begin each day making peace with yourself.  Bring yourself to a place of love and wellbeing before you leave the house.  Affirm safety when you go out, and look for evidence of it.  One of my favorite games is noting all the safe drivers on the highway as I go to work each morning.   I look for what is going right, and I am never disappointed.

Then as you see others, make eye contact with them.  Smile.  Really see the people around you.  Let your heart say, "I see you.  You are important.  You are loved."  There are countless stories of people who were ready to commit suicide or hurt others but changed their minds after someone showed them kindness and love.

If we all lived this way, I don't know if terrorism would disappear, but it would have a lot harder time of staying alive.  The vibrations would naturally rise around people who are kind and loving.  That's not just a hope; that's physics.

So live your life.  Stay happy.  Bring peace.  Love yourself and others.  And know that, at your essence, you are always safe.


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