Thursday, April 11, 2013

What to do with a victim mentality

Dear Energy Lady,
I work with a man who's really good at being a victim.  No matter what happens, he's able to twist it around so it looks like someone's out to get him.  It's really frustrating, and I'm really tired of it.  Anything I can do energetically either to help myself or him?

Want to run every time I see him

Dear Run,
A victim mentality is a sign that he's operating at a very low frequency.   He really needs to raise himself up by either letting go of the victim mentality or embracing the idea of love, joy and gratitude, but that's for him to decide.

You can do two things that will definitely help you, and might help him.

First, for yourself, put a veil of energy protection around yourself when you're with him.  Open your heart and release the light there, until you can sense that you are surrounded, 360 degrees, by a protective light.  Alternately, you can bring light down from the heavens and feel it drop down around you.  This way, you can stay in the vibration of love whenever you're near him, regardless of how he may be feeling.

For him, you can try two things.  First, remember that you ARE love, housed in a container designed for its expression.  So if you're not in his physical presence and are thinking of him, try cupping your hands and imagining the word "love" in the bowl.  When your hands start tingling or feeling warm, hold them up and release the love, sending it in his direction.  Say, "(Name), I offer you my love, without conditions.  I see you as strong, healthy and successful."

The second idea is for when you are physically present with him.  Look at him not as he is, but as the divine expression he is meant to be.  See him happy and whole.  Know that all is well with him, even if he can't see that himself.  Be the light that he needs to get out of his darkness.  See the truth of him--that he is perfect--not the lie he has created for himself.  You don't need to say these words; just hold the knowing.  Whatever you do, do NOT acknowledge anything to do with his being a victim, and don't be sympathetic.  That just causes the energy to be stuck.

P.S.  This is one of the most loving things you can do for another person.   And what you do for others, you do for yourself.


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