Friday, April 5, 2013

Playing with energy balls

Dear Readers,
With the weekend coming, I just wanted to share a fun technique that might yield you some delightful surprises by Monday morning.

It's called "tossing energy balls."  The fun part is that you won't immediately know who you're playing with, but at some point, you will.  You create and "toss" a ball of energy that's been infused with an intention out into the zero point field, knowing that it will become a point of light and attract similar energy to it.  When it does, you may (or may not) get a response from whoever else is looking for surprise and wonder.

Here's how you do it:   Start with a clear intention of what kind of energy you want to put out into the world.  Some examples are love, kindness, hope, caring, joy, gratitude, innovation, growth or transformation.  Use your imagination and choose an emotion, state of being or idea that you would like to "plant" out in the field.

Then take your hands and have your palms face each other, pointing forward, about 2" apart (not sure of the conversation to centimeters).  Keeping the centers of your palms close at all times, start making forward circles first with your left hand, then with your right, similar to rubbing both sides of a bass drum. The two hands should not be in sync, but rather, rotating so that one is moving forward while the other is moving backward.  But again, keep the centers of your palms about 2" apart the whole time.

Soon, you will feel energy "waking up" between your hands.  You might feel heat or tingling, or a fullness that tells you something is there.  Once you feel it, bend your fingers in and keep making the rotating circles.  Then move your hands in and out, again--palms facing each other.   In a couple of minutes, you should feel that you're holding an energy ball.  (Some of you may actually see the energy, but most will only feel it).

Once you're sure that it's there, use your imagination to "write" your intended word on the ball, or imagine it appearing inside the ball.  You may want to add color, scent or sound to your ball to give it additional energy.  You can make the ball any size you want.

When the ball is exactly the way you'd like it, toss it into the field.  Just release it, knowing it will go where and when it's needed.   You can make and launch as many energy balls as you like.  If this is your first time, try to keep them all within a theme so the combined energy is more vibrant.  If you make them on many different subjects and with very different intentions, you may not get much of a response.

Here's what can happen.  A friend of mine was visiting a major U.S. city, and had a dream that she was supposed to call a certain woman who lived there.  She did not know this woman, but when she looked her up, there was only one person of that name in the area.   She felt a little silly, but she called the woman and told her about the dream.  The woman answered, "Oh!  I put energy out into the field last night, and I was wondering who would receive and respond to it!"

So have fun.  Play ball!


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