Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What's the right job?

Dear Energy Lady,
Everyone says you should do the work you love.  Well, I love event planning.  I do it all the time for my friends, and they keep telling me I should open a business in it.  But I have a really good full-time job that pays well, and I don't want to give it up to be an entrepreneur at this point.  Am I shutting down my own energy?   Help!


Dear Torn,
Don't worry--you can't shut down your energy, but you can lower or dull it.  You say you have a "really good" job, so I'm going to assume that you like it, enjoy it, and feel good about doing it.  If these three things aren't true, and the only reason why you're doing it is money, then you're pouring a lot of time and energy into something that is not only extremely limiting to your spirit, but also to any future success you may have, either as someone else's employee or as an entrepreneur.

You say you don't want to be an entrepreneur, but could that be because you really haven't allowed yourself to explore what that means?   Check your local community colleges and other sources for courses in opening a business.  Some communities have mentor organizations, or other organizations that help individuals start business.  If you're in the United States, check out the resources of the Small Business Administration.  Use LinkedIn or other networking sources to see if you can connect with successful party planners. 

In other words, you don't have to go into business; just allow yourself to think about and explore it.  This will open any energy you have around the subject in a simple, curious way.  You're not committing to anything but learning all you can.  And in the meantime, you can do your present job with a full heart, because instead of fighting it, you'll be accepting that this is where you are and need to be for now while you learn.

If, when you're done learning, you still decide that entrepreneurship is not for you, you can let the idea go without regret.  Again, this will provide relief, which always opens energy channels. 

If, however, you find that you are jealous of others who have left their jobs to open businesses they love; or if you find yourself excited about the possibility for yourself, then you can use energy to shift your situation in several ways:

1) Visualize a really fabulous party that you coordinated from start to finish.  Bring every detail to life, from the type of party, the season, the location, the clients, the colors, the food, the music and more.  Keep imagining it until you feel as if you're there.

2) Hold a focus group with your friends to see what they loved about the work you did.  Ask what the services were worth and what they would have paid if you were charging.

3) Network with other party resources to build a potential client list, get and make referrals. 

4) Use the Emotional Freedom Technique or the Sedona Method to clear mental and energy barriers to your success.

5) If you meditate, get into a state of happiness and thankfulness for this new creation that's emerging.  Then let it go.

Remember, too, that things can change in our lives at any time.  It could be that right now, going into business isn't right for you, but in another few years--or even after retirement--it might be perfect.  In other words, a dream can be fulfilled at any point in your life. 

Enjoy your creation!


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