Sunday, April 7, 2013

Raise your vibration for a great new week!

Happy New Week!
If the thought of Mondays doesn't thrill you, perhaps it's because you're not aware of the love that is within you and all around you.  See if the following doesn't change your week for the better:

1) When you wake up Monday morning (or any morning, for that matter), smile before you get out of bed.  You've seen me write several times that it is biologically impossible to feel bad when you're smiling, so you just raised your vibration before you even set foot on the floor.

2) Turn on some music while you're exercising or showering--the kind that makes you feel happy, bright and energized.  Let yourself dance!

3) As many times as you are able, say, "I am love, and everything I see before me is love incarnate."  The more you say it, the faster you'll realize that there isn't anything that isn't made of the energies of love, which vibrate at 500 or above.

4) Make eye contact with people, and again, smile.  There is a street performer named Marcus Young who will take as long as 3 hours to walk around one block.  His art?  Making eye contact with each person he sees, and giving them a smile.   One time when he did this, a young boy walked up to him and said, "Are you Jesus?"

5) If you start feeling negative during the day, Eckhart Tolle has written that you can try tuning into each area of your body, starting with your feet and moving up to your head.  As he suggests:  feel the aliveness!  When you get to your head, see if you can feel the vibration of your entire body as one energy unit.  Glow on!

6) Note how much lighter and brighter you feel when you're focused on seeing love or the opportunity to give or receive kindness, respect, caring and gratitude.   Then notice how many things are going right during the day, or at least not going wrong.

The higher your vibration, the better you feel and the more unblocked you are.  In that state, things can't help but go better for you.


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