Friday, April 26, 2013

Tired all weekend

Dear Energy Lady,
Weekends are supposed to be fun, right?  So how come I'm so tired all the time?  I can easily slip 12-14 hours each day, and then blam! it's Monday again.  Is there such a thing as using up all your energy?


Dear Zzzzzz,
Assuming you do not have any kind of medical condition and eat a balanced diet and are not drinking to excess or taking drugs (all of which can make you tired), then a few different things may be going on energetically:

1)  The mental energy you expend on your job may be wearing out your physical form.  Author Carolyn Myss notes that "your biography is your biology."  Pay attention to what you say about your work and job.  Do you say things like,"my work is killing me"?  Or,  "I have a load of work"?  Your body believes every word you say.  Try changing your language to things like, "I have a lot to do, but I'm working on it."  Or, "Work is challenging, but it's nothing I haven't seen before."

2) You may just like to sleep, and when there are no time demands, this is what your body does naturally.  So think of it as a mini-vacation.  When you go to a beach resort, what do you do all day?  Sleep in bed, on lounge chairs, on rafts in the pool or the ocean, etc.

3)  If you're a big dreamer, your higher self may be trying to get your attention.  Do you frequently recall what you've dreamt after a long sleep?  Do you see patterns or themes arising?  Sometimes, when we're growing energetically, we sleep more either to get dream messages or because our bodies are adjusting to a new, higher frequency.

4). If none of these seems true for you, then you may want to be more disciplined about forcing yourself to get up and get going.  Energy begets energy, so a body in motion will stay in motion.

Finally, if it feels like you're using the weekend to escape from your job and you just can't stand the thought of going to work on Monday, you may want to contact a career counselor.  Life's too short to do  work you hate.  Use the weekends to work on your résumé, update your Linked-In profile, network with friends and see what kind of jobs are available.


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