Sunday, April 21, 2013

Which voice are you listening to?

Dear Energy Lady,
I have this awful, horrible voice in my head that practically mocks any positive thought I have.  Is there any way to turn this off?


Dear Bullied,
You can try meditation, which some say helps them quiet the voice in their head or at least helps them observe it as something separate from themselves.  But if you've tried that and it hasn't worked at all or as well as you want it to, then you'll need to try something else.

Remember this:  energetically, whatever you pay attention to gains energy and becomes stronger.  So you don't want to waste any time or effort trying to NOT make your mind think thoughts.  Doing that will just make a bad problem worse.

Instead, try refocusing.  Instead of listening to what's in your brain, listen to what's in your heart.  The mind of your heart is the one that's connected to universal, loving intelligence.  You will never hear an unloving or unsupportive thought there.

There are many great ways to get into your heart space, but one of the simplest is to imagine that you get in an elevator in your mind, and then take it down to your heart.  When the door opens--voila!  You're in your heart space.

If you want to test the difference between the two voices, try asking the same question in both places.  For instance, you can ask your mind if it likes your job.  You will likely hear all the reasons why you DON'T like it, not why you do.  Then drop into your heart space, and ask it if you like your job.  There, you will more likely hear all the reasons why it does work for you, or what to do if it doesn't.  But what you won't hear is the voice of complaint.

You'll also notice that the two voices change your vibration.  Our head voices tends to make us feel heavier, which indicates that our vibration is lowering.  Our heart voice usually makes us feel lighter and happier, which indicates that our vibration is rising.

Give it a try, and soon you'll discover that the voice in your head fades for lack of attention, and the voice of your heart becomes louder and clearer.


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