Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's true, and what's the Truth?

Dear readers,
In the spirit of adding more safety and love to your world, I want to continue the thoughts of the last few days in response to the events in Boston.

A radio station here in the Twin Cities talked about the fact that breaking news is often bad news, but that it is better to face it than hide from it.  That may be true, but it's only half the story.  Energetically, current events may be true, but they are not Truth.  It is an important distinction.  Just because something is true does not make it the Truth.

Truth with a capital T is what lies beneath surface events.  And the Truth is that we are energy beings as well as human beings.  The Truth is that our energy originates in the Source of all life.  The Truth is that, as energy, we cannot be destroyed-only transformed.

So when bad things happen, if we expand our energy field and look at ourselves and the situation from a universal view, we will see, feel and be love before we even detect the tragedy that has taken place.  The Truth is that love is larger and more powerful than fear, and can transform panic into peace.

If we only believe what the news tells us, it would be easy to become frightened of life.  So consider separating what is true from the Truth of who you and everyone else is.  This is why, throughout history, good eventually triumphs over evil.  There is a saying, "everything turns out all right in the end, and if it's not all right, it's not the end."

Believe it, or better yet-be it.


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