Monday, April 15, 2013

Keeping the world safe

Dear Readers,
In the wake of today's tragedy at the Boston Marathon, I wanted to forgo answering energy questions for a day to focus on a question:  what causes terror in our world, and what can we, as energetic beings, do about it?

Terror is fear turned inside out.  What causes fear?  Letting our minds rule our hearts and spirits.  I have no idea who committed this terrible crime or why, but I do know this:  had he or she been able to give and receive love freely, this could not have happened.

Love in its truest form has no opposite.  It just is, and when we allow it, we know it as ourselves.  Whoever did this has a very different definition of him/herself, and likely acted on the fear that without committing such a horrific act, he/she was small, powerless, worthless.

How does this happen?  How does an innocent infant grow up to be a terrorist?  What must they be told; how must they be treated and/or trained to create a killer?

I can only guess.  And it's not necessarily true that killers and terrorists received no love in childhood, experienced abuse or were exposed to excessive violence.   As history has shown, many notorious individuals had very loving, well-intended parents and positive youthful experiences.  Somewhere, somehow, something shifted from light to dark, either because of mental illness and/or choice.  

It's too late to do anything about the deaths and injuries in Boston other than send our abundant love and prayers  for healing and peace to the victims, their families, and everyone upset by this horror.  What would be even more tragic, though, would be if we allowed this event to prevent us from living freely and going where we want to go.  If we allow fear to beget more fear, then terror wins.

This is not to say that we should not use reasonable caution and common sense, or to say that we should not engage our law enforcement officers to protect us.  But there is one critical thing we all can do:  bring ourselves as love to the world, without conditions.  For one of the truths about energy is that when the vibration is high enough, it becomes impossible to harm another.

So let's love those around us.  Let's express gratitude; feel joy; relax into bliss and peace.  Let's do this not just for ourselves, but because people vibrating at a level about 500 can raise the vibrations of hundreds of others.

Imagine if all the loving, non-violent people in the world focused on being the highest vibration possible.  What would happen to terror and terrorist acts then?  Is it possible that love, not surveillance and fear, is what will ultimately keep us safe?

Tomorrow, look into the face of every person you encounter and think, "I am love, and it is love that I see before me."  Let's bring the light that will dispel the darkness.  


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