Thursday, July 11, 2013

What are the vibes of your relationship?

Dear Energy Lady,
I'm wildly in love with my boyfriend.  The vibes between us are amazing!  How can I keep it going forever?

Good vibrations

Dear Vibes,
I'm so happy to hear that you and your boyfriend are going strong.  I'm going to take a guess that your relationship is relatively new, and that you're paying a lot of attention to the things you like about one another right now.  So yes-when you're putting intense attention on what you like and appreciate, it does feel amazing.

Can you keep that going forever?  Perhaps.  But to do that, you'll need to perceive and appreciate something new and wonderful about your boyfriend constantly.  That may be possible, but it will be a challenge.  To do it, you'll want him to change and grow, and to enjoy the process and results as much as he does.

Another way to increase the vibes between you is to keep releasing your attachment to him.  Yes, you read that right-release your attachment.  The more you let go, the more unconditional love and higher vibrations can enter, and the experience of oneness can emerge.  So you move from excitement to bliss.

But no matter what you do, do not expect things to say the same as they are now.  If you do, it's a guarantee that the vibrations will eventually fall, because all of life is in a process of constant change.
Love your boyfriend-and yourself-for the people you are becoming as we'll as for the spirits you are and have today.

Wishing you lots of love,

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