Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love will make it happen

The energies of love are very powerful, and bring things together in wonder-FULL ways.

Friends of ours recently lost their son to an unexpected medical event.  He was deeply beloved by all who had the good fortune to know him.  The loss was horrific not only for his wife, children, parents and grandmother, but for the entire community.

Now living 300 miles away, I wished I could do more for the family than simply send a tribute and prayers.  I asked about them continually to anyone I thought might know them, and felt them in my heart often.   When we received an invitation to a party we thought they might attend, I was elated.  But in the end, a blizzard made travel impossible, so we never made the trip.

Then, this past Friday, I was having lunch with a colleague and client at a place I don't normally dine.  As I walked outside the restaurant, I came face-to-face with the son of friends who are very, very close to the family who had lost their son.  He is a fine folk musician, and was in town to perform on a major national radio show.  I was elated to hear of his success, and told him I hoped to be able to get last minute tickets to the show.  He shook his head sadly and said he thought the show was sold out, but would text me if he discovered otherwise.

Since I don't believe in coincidence, I knew there was a reason we had connected.  So the next morning, even before receiving his text, my husband went to work to try to find us tickets.  The theatre's website did show that it was sold out, so my husband called the box office.  Victory!  Minutes later, the text came in: not only were there a few tickets left, but his parents were in town along with two other couples we knew and loved.  And you guessed it: one of them was the couple who lost their son.

After what was a fabulous show, we found his parents to congratulate them.  And within minutes, they were joined by the two other couples, who were very surprised to see us.  As I wrapped my arms around the mother of the man who had died, we whispered to each other simultaneously, "you don't know how often I've thought of you."

The rest of the evening was filled with both tears and laughter, but most of all, love.  Lots and lots and lots of love.

In the son's text to me, he said, "It was a one-in-a-million chance that I'd run into you."  But that's exactly the way that the energy of love works.  The feeling is a magnet with a pull so powerful it can overcome any obstacles.

Tomorrow:  the first in a series of stories about what love can do for careers, weight loss and more.

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