Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hi Again

It's been over a year since I started this blog, and you may wonder where I've been.  I could say that I have been busy, but I was busy when I first started it, so that really isn't the reason.  I could say that I wasn't motivated, but that really isn't the reason, either.

To be completely honest, the reason I wasn't blogging was simply because I used the time I would blog to do things like watch TV, do some work-related Email, check Facebook or surf the Internet aimlessly.  In other words: silly, mind-numbing stuff.

But at the start of this year, I decided it was time to wake up.  So I took a snowy day over new year's weekend and made myself a vision board.  If you've never seen or created one of these, they're a collage of pictures, words and graphics that you either cut from magazines or find on the Internet.  The content is whatever makes you feel good--things you'd like to do, be or have.  Mine contains things like my ideal weight, places I'd like to visit, experiences with my family and friends and some images that I know will help me let go of what I no longer need.

I took my vision board, printed it out, framed it, and hung it in the bathroom.  I also made it my screen-saver.  Some people say it's better to simply slide it under the bed or archive it and forget about it, but I really enjoy looking at it several times a day.

When I do, I allow myself to experience the feelings that those images and words stir.  Although none are true in my physical world right now, I don't see them as wishes and don't crush them with doubt.

Instead, I welcome the feelings and the happiness I feel at "having" those things in that moment.  Since our bodies don't know the difference between a thought and an actual experience, for that moment, I not only have the feelings; I have the health, happiness and freedom of the actual experience.

And as I do, I know I'm raising my vibrational field, which changes my outer experience.  So since I did this, I'm not only back at this blog; I've gained two new clients with very little effort; had a stranger in Starbucks pay for my coffee (and I'll be paying that forward); lost 2 pounds and have plans to see one of our daughters next week.  In other words, I look; I feel; I live.  It feels great!

Have you ever made a vision board?  If you don't have the time or are not visual, then try putting on your favorite music as you get dressed in the morning or go to work.  Let it stir your soul and your cells as well as your thinking.

And if you get a chance, let me know what you get as a result.

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