Saturday, March 30, 2013

Take a load off to lose more weight

Dear Energy Lady,
Got any more ideas for weight loss?  I ready your first blog on this, but I'd love to hear any other ideas you have.

Bikini season is coming

Dear Bikini,
One of the easiest energetic ways to lighten up is to take a load off.   Human beings are designed to create and experience joy, love and peace.  But we sometimes block those states by limited, negative or "heavy" thinking.   And this can result in weight sticking to us because the energy we might use to live, laugh or love gets trapped.

In addition, when our thoughts are burdensome, it's possible that 1) we give up on our hopes and dreams;  2) we become either afraid to fail or afraid to succeed, and so take no action;  3) we numb the feeling with distractions like the Internet or TV, and the result is mindless eating; or 4) we feel that we are unlovable and 'cover up' our love with an energy barrier (trapped weight).  In other words, we slow down physically as well as mentally so we can feel safe, and that just makes it all the more difficult to lose weight.

So one thing you can do is to start listening to your own thoughts.  Write them down, if you dare.  You probably won't like what you hear and see, but it will give you clarity about where you have buried your true spirit.  Then do something simple with these thoughts:

Let them go.

Think of them as old, ill-fitting clothes.  Baggage you no longer need.  A heavy backpack and ankle weights that you finally took off.  

Here's why:  Our body believes every word we say.  Carolyn Myss, the medical intuitive and author, says "our biology is our biography."  So one of the best things you can do when you're trying to lose weight is to change your story.  And a simple way to start changing your story is to simply delete the parts of it that aren't creating the happy ending you want.

The thoughts will probably try to creep back on--after all, they're familiar to you. So even if they're uncomfortable, you're likely comfortable with their discomfort.   But again, it's up to you.  You get to choose what you want to think and believe.   So if you're having trouble believing the best, just stop thinking the worst.

Eventually, you will create space in your thoughts for something new to enter.  And when it does, it will likely be lighter, happier and freer than what you dropped.  Follow those thoughts and take action, and you'll start revving up not only your life, but your metabolism.

Tomorrow, I'll share more ideas about how you can trade losing weight for gaining happiness.  This, too, will help you take a load off!


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