Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can't see my way clearly

Dear Energy Lady,
I'm in a weird place.  I feel like relationships and situations are ending in my life, but I can't get clear about what is coming.  It's uncomfortable, and scary.  Can you help?

Caught in a fog

Dear Caught,
When you know you can't stay where you are and you don't yet know where you're going, there's only one place to turn:  within.  If you know how to meditate, do so; if not, you can simply sit still and follow your breathing in and out.  Start with the intention of simply getting peaceful with where you are in your life right now, as you are.

Yes, that's right.  Just allow the discomfort and fear to be there, without trying to change them.  If you let them be, you'll also allow other states to be there as well.  And since peace, love and joy are our most natural states (think of young children), you will experience them as well.

But fear not.  Eventually, something will shift, and you will move forward.  For now, stop scaring yourself.  Live for today.  What you may be learning is to be more awake and aware in the moment, and that can only serve you well, now and in the future.


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