Friday, March 29, 2013

10 Fullistic Principles

Dear Energy Lady,
You talk a lot about Fullistics, but I don't know what that means.  What are the principles of Fullistic™ Living?


Dear Curious,
Happy to share.  The vision of Fullistics is to make the world a more loving, safe and joyful place for everyone by helping people discover their GreatFULLness.  The major principles come from a combination of Energetics, the study of energy under transformation; Noetics, how beliefs, thoughts and intentions affect the physical world; Unified field theory, the desire to link together everything that happens in the physical world; Mindfulness and self-awareness; Gratitude and joy.

The principles are:

1) Human beings are individualized expressions of divine love.
2) The purpose of life is to know ourselves as this love.
3) This love lives in us, as us, and is expressed through us.
4) This love also surrounds us in multiple dimensions as a field of energy that has unlimited potential.
5) All of life is tied to this field.
6) This energetic field is governed not only by love, but also by the laws of quantum and scalar physics.
7) Humans are the only known species on earth to have the ability to consciously create in this field.
8) Pain and suffering can come from experiences related to the unconscious or malicious misuse of this field, or by ignoring it altogether.
9) Love is the only thing that is real. "Reality" is an outpicturing of unconscious individual and collective beliefs.
10) Because love is all there is, life is meant to be filled with peace and happiness for everyone.
11) Anything is possible because we live in a field of all possibilities.
12) Self-awareness in multiple dimensions is the key to freedom.

So, Fullistic™ living is engaging the loving energy we are and the loving energy we have available to us consciously to create joy for ourselves and others.

In coming blogs, I'll keep answering your questions about how to use these principles to manifest more joy, health and happiness in your life; you can ask questions through the comments section or by emailing me.  You can also find me on Twitter @theenergylady.

Thanks for asking.  Live Fullistically!  :)


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