Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Law of Creation?

Dear Energy Lady,
I understand the Law of Attraction, but can you please explain the Law of Creation?


Dear Curious,
Actually, this may surprise you, but I don't believe in the Law of Attraction.  The way that law is expressed and taught, it makes the universe sound like a gigantic candy machine that dispenses goodies to those who are aligned with it.  It makes it sound like good and bad things are already created and it's up to us to magnetize them into our lives.  To me, the idea that things are already complete is just silly, as it takes away our free will to create whatever it is we want.  The Law of Attraction also blames people for "attracting" disease.  As I explain below, I don't believe that, either.  In the end, my opinion is that, either way, the Law of Attraction just makes people feel bad.

Instead, I teach and believe in what you might call the "Law of Creation."  Here's why:  we live in the quantum field of all possibilities.  That field is basically what you might call "energy in waiting."  It's kind of like a plowed field of dirt that's waiting to be seeded.

In that field, energy exists in one of two forms: waves or particles.  In its unformed state, energy is waves.  But when someone puts their attention on a possibility, the wave stops moving and becomes a particle. As you direct more of your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and vibratory body energy towards that particle/possibility/idea, it intensifies to the point where many "bits" or particles of energy are now vibrating together.  It's like watering the seeds--at this stage, they have sprouted, but you don't know how big the plant will be or exactly when it will come up.

But it's in your field, and when watered with love and warmed by your attention, it will grow.  So maybe this should be called the "Law of Attention."  Because you created it, this vibrating "bunch" of energy is attached to you.  You don't need to "attract" it--it is not only yours, it IS you, in a new energy form.  What that form is and how it will show up in your life remains to be seen.  But the energy itself has a character, tone and intensity that reflects how you are/were when you created it, which is why the believers in attraction say that "like attracts like."  But you're not "attracting" anything when you do this deliberately--you're deliberately creating on/in the field through your intention.

So this is why it is not surprising when what you paid attention to shows up in your life.  Often, the form isn't what you expect, but that's half the fun.  The other part of the fun is that usually things show up best when you're loving the game of creating them. Again, think of it as a plant you're watching grow, and how good you feel for having planted and nurtured it.  For in the end, life is all about the source of love (you, as individualized incarnation of source), loving itself in endless ways.

Then why do bad things happen?  Do we "create" those, too?  You must remember that most people use energy sloppily or badly.  And 80% of the 50,000 or so thoughts we have every day are negative.  That's a lot of negative energy floating around.

We all have exactly the same powers to create, for good or bad.  And we all live in the field together.  So it's virtually impossible to separate yourself from all of the negative energy of fear, shame, guilt, anger, hatred, doubt, apathy and more that surrounds us all the time.  Some people are more vulnerable to it than others, and that can make them feel "dis-eased."   One of the reasons why I'm writing this blog is to try to inspire people to be more deliberate and loving in their use of energy to live their lives, because if we don't, then anything can, and often does, happen to us.

So that gives you a quick overview.  In future blogs, I'll address things like winning the lottery, attracting the love of your life and more.

For today, I send love,

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