Thursday, June 6, 2013

Don't make things so hard on yourself

Dear Energy Lady,
I have too many "nots" in my life.  I leave insanely early for most things because I do NOT want to be late.  I eat organic food because I do NOT want to get sick.  I work late most nights because I do NOT want to fall behind.

As much as this seems to work for me, it doesn't feel right, and I'm not sure why.

Your thoughts?

kNOTted up

Dear kNOTted,
You just made a huge discovery.  While you've discovered a way to get to your appointments on time, improve your diet and stay ahead in your work, the path you've chosen is putting a lot of energetic barriers in your way.

Our natural state is one of ease, flow and satisfaction.  Everything else is a story we make up so we can experience contrast, which makes us supposedly "feel alive."  In actuality, it does just the opposite--it keeps us from the bliss of aliveness.

Because our minds are designed to create, whenever we say we "don't" want something, the "not" drops out, and we're left--for instance--"I want to be late" or "I want to get sick" or "I want to fall behind."
If you don't think that's true, then consider this sentence:  "Don't think of the pink elephant."  What picture immediately came into your mind?

So if the picture of your mind is the thing you don't want, you act more strenuously against it.  And that's why it doesn't feel good.  You're struggling when you should be floating.

To get your energy flowing, start with the negative of what you don't want, and then do a 180-degree flip on it.  So instead of saying, "I don't want to be late," think of the opposite:  "It feels good to me to be on time."  Some of your other "flips" might be, "I enjoy good health and fresh, clean food," or "I get my work done during regular business hours."

When you do these flips, simply align these new thoughts with your actions, words and spirit.  That's when things will start to feel good to you and your energy will radiate!


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