Monday, May 27, 2013

Losing the energy of anger

Dear Energy Lady,
I have heard that harboring anger and resentment can cause your vibrations to sink.  Is this true?  If so, what are the consequences of it?

Stuck in the mud

Dear Stuck,
Yes, it is true that anger and resentment can lower your vibrational field.  Most people think that they are sending out the energy to others, hurting them rather than themselves, but that's not the way it works.  Your emotions only impact you.   No one else is harmed or helped by them, unless you take action on them, for better or worse.

When you're angry, you're actually only vibrating on a level of 150, according to Dr. David Hawkins, reporting on his extensive study of energy states in his book, "Power Versus Force."  At that level, you're likely to create experiences that will feel antagonistic or aggressive, and either arouse hate in you or make you the object of hate.

In addition, as author Carolyn Myss points out, "your biography is your biology."  So not only are you creating experiences you don't want, you're harming your biological health.   Those studying mind/body medicine say that anger and resentment are associated with a host of diseases, including heart attacks and cancer.

So yes, anger keeps you stuck in, as you say, mud.  Gooey, slimy, not fun mud.  Not a pretty picture.

If you're angry, you're probably convinced that you're right about something.  From your point of view, you are.  But from the other person's point of view, they're right, too.  Everyone operates from their own beliefs and values; what you're experiencing is nothing more than different worldviews.  So try a little empathy.  Put yourself in their shoes, and try to see the situation from their point of view, not your own.  If you take yourself out of the picture, even for just a few minutes, it's like unplugging a lamp.  Release the anger to take on a different point of view, and it will release you.

Once you feel more relaxed, check in with your own highest and best values.  Think of things that feel good and right to you--like honesty, integrity, authenticity, love, happiness, peace, etc.  Then ask yourself, "How would someone who values _________ (fill in the blank) see the situation now?"

Chances are good that you'll feel yourself getting lighter and freer as you do this.  From that new vibrational standpoint, you can look at the former situation as a great teacher that showed you how to use your energy more productively.  You may actually find yourself feeling thankful for it.

So don't be afraid of anger, and don't run away from it.  It can carry you to greater heights if you embrace what it has to teach you.


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