Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ease into your week Fullistically

Dear Readers,
Monday is a day many people dread--the start of a new work week.   But it doesn't have to be that way. Here is a simple exercise you can do:

Set an intention this week to see love, joy and freedom in your work.  These emotions are all associated with the higher vibrational levels, and as soon as you choose to pay attention to them, you make your work more fulfilling.

Start by stating, out loud, what you intend.  Something like this:
"I intend to experience love, joy and freedom in my work this week."  (Or whatever qualities feel good and right to you.  You might say something like, "I intend to experience creativity, innovation and play"; or "I intend to experience progress, accelerated results and connection"; or, "I intend to experience understanding, communication and connection."  You get the idea)

Then wake up!  Pay attention to every email; every interruption; every meeting; every person you meet in the elevator or walking in to the building; every story you hear in the news.   Inspect what you expect.  Get out of your head and into your life.  Look for what you intended, and you will start to see it everywhere.

Once you get comfortable that universal love--in the form you have named it--is everywhere, you'll realize that you've been stressed out about nothing in the past.  So let all that go.  That was then; this is now.

The only ground rule to this game is that you're not allowed to say "Yes, but..." to anything you witness or experience.  No rationalizing.  No doubting.  No explanations.

If what you intended doesn't show up, it probably is because you're doubting the whole process.  So at that point, just let go.  Forget about it.  Go back to your old way of doing things.  You'll still likely get a few good thunks or experiences to change your mind.

The point is that work has been given a bad reputation.  This of it this way.  It could stand for
W ork
O pens
R eality
K nowledge

And what is "reality"?  Not the strenuous nightmare you think it is.  Reality is the truth--which is that life, at its core and essence, is all love.  Open yourself to it--you'll likely have more than 40 hours of practice this week.

Have a great week!


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