Thursday, May 2, 2013

Getting a raise and a proposal

Dear Energy Lady,
I've been studying the Law of Attraction and Energetics because I want to change my life.  Can you tell me how to use it to make my boss give me a raise and my boyfriend ask me to marry him?


Dear Ready,
It's great that you're excited about making changes in your life; it means that you're ready to grow (and glow!)   But here's the deal: Energetics isn't about controlling--or even trying to control--others.

There are two reasons why.

#1: Your use of energetics should be loving and intentional.   There is an ethical component to energy work.  While medical practitioners promise to "do no harm," energetic practitioners need to "do some good."  Trying to control others isn't about doing what is necessarily good for them, even if you think so or that it would be good for you.  In addition, everyone has free will, so even if you try to intervene in their lives, if your attention or intention is unwanted, their energy will block yours.  So don't waste your time or effort.

#2: Everything in your world is a reflection of some kind of the energy flowing through you.  So when you think someone or something ought to change, you're really just describing something in yourself that needs to shift.

You may think that's silly if, for instance, you want your boyfriend to stop smoking and you don't smoke.  So how can you stop doing what you're already not doing?  Well, the point is that you are doing it.  Every time you think of him lighting up, you're "smoking" inside with anger or frustration that your attempts to make him quit aren't working.  

The point is: use energy work to change yourself.  Remove your own blocks to happiness.  Challenge your limiting beliefs.  Change the way you see the world--use eyes of love and compassion.  Change your attitude.  Change your bad habits.  Change your identity--go from thinking of yourself as your labels and roles to recognizing that you are an extension of Source energy.

As you change yourself, you will undoubtedly see things change around you because your vibration will rise.  It's just like taking your hand off a cork that you've been holding under water.  As soon as you release it, it will bob to the surface.  So  the more you relax, let go and open, the more you will be in the flow of life as it truly is.  You don't need to force it; it will unfold naturally.

So if you want a raise, raise your vibration first.  If you want someone to propose to you, make a commitment to yourself first...and keep it.  Be as you truly want to be and feel, and the rest will take care of itself.

Enjoy the change!


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