Monday, May 23, 2011

Finding My Purpose

Dear Energy Lady,
Everyone's talking about finding their purpose, but when I read the articles or do the tests, they just get me more and more confused.  How do I discover what my purpose really is?


Dear Confused,
As you know, Eckhart Tolle is one of my favorite authors.  In his book, "The New Earth," he says that the purpose of life is to awaken.  This awakening suggests that you are not your name, your roles, your stuff or anything else that you think is "you."  Ask anyone who's ever lost all of those identifying items to a personal or natural disaster, and they'll all tell you the same thing: when all else is gone, you're still here.

So if you're not your stuff, then who are you, and what is your purpose?  From what I've read and experienced so far, I believe that all life is individuated aspects of God, and we're here to be ourselves.  Have you ever seen a tree compare itself to another?  Or a dog worrying about getting grey whiskers?  They just are what they are, and do what they do.  What many scholars and mystics have said throughout the ages is simply this: whatever you're doing at this moment is your purpose.

If you want your purpose to be "bigger," then find a way to bring happiness into your own life, and share or show it to others.

One more hint: whatever you do when no one's looking probably has something to do with it.

The Energy Lady

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