Monday, January 6, 2014

Energizing weight loss for the new year

Dear Energy Lady,
I am determined to lose weight this year, and want to do everything I can to make it happen.   What can help energize it, besides diet and exercise?

Feeling Ready

Dear Ready,
You've already cleared a major hurdle energetically: you know what you want.  Most people don't.  We spend our days being a little uncertain, a little frustrated and a little disappointed, and all that does is keep us treading water.  The universe can't respond to a weak signal.

But here's the trick: you don't want to lose weight.  People don't like losing, and if you don't like something, you'll resist it, slowing the energy and making it even harder to do.

Instead, think of yourself as gaining a whole new level of health and happiness.   So first, can you go beyond where you are now and the effort you'll be making to visualize the end result?  In other words, don't create a gap between where you are now and where you want to be; take yourself into the future right now, as there is no time in the universal field.  The future happens in the present moment.

Once you create a mental picture of the final outcome, allow yourself to simply feel good.  Actually, make that feel GREAT.  Feel great not because you reached a goal, because there was a "there" and how you're "here," but simply because you are living free of the trapped energy that extra weight represents.  In other words, if the weight is literally and figuratively off your shoulders (and everywhere else on your body and your life), how do you feel?   Don't focus on what you're now able to do: focus on how you ARE.

Now, once you feel great, expand it.  Release the feeling--let it grow out and out and out until you can no longer tell where you leave off and it begins.  Keep letting it expand until it goes beyond your house...your town...your state...your country...and even beyond the planet and the solar system.  Just keep letting it go.

You may feel a sense of peace or bliss, or not.  But in any case, what you're doing is releasing any limitations imposed by your own mind or experience and opening to all possibilities.  You're also spreading your light so that anything or anyone that can help you can find you.  So don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself having happy coincidences that make the arrival of your new state of being easier and easier.

So eat well.  Exercise.  Work with your doctor or other professionals if you need to.  But most of all, relax and get happy.  And then set that happiness free, because if you do, it will come back to you in wonder-FULL ways that will make your goal-getting even easier.



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