Thursday, December 19, 2013

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration at Work

Dear Energy Lady,
I try really hard to have a good attitude at work, but by mid-day, I find that I start to complain and focus on the negative.  I know this is really bad for me vibrationally, and that it just makes things worse, but I don't know what to do about it.   Any suggestions would be welcome.


Dear Slumped,
It's easy to get caught up in the negativity of work; remember when we talked about egregors--the collective thought forms that can create a dense vibrational field in an organization?  But there are a few things you can do to stay in the flow, including:

--Catch yourself complaining, and then stop doing it.  You don't have to be sunny and positive; just stop being negative.  You'll feel immediate relief.

--Try "The Course in Miracles" approach of looking at something that's bothering you and saying, "I could see peace instead of this."

--Go to and look up Shawn Achor.  In the funniest 12 minutes you'll spend today, he'll show you 5 things you can do to feel happy at work.  And if nothing else, the fact that you're laughing as you watch it will raise your vibration

--Speaking of TED talks, since you said your slump is mid-day, consider watching one as you eat your lunch (if you eat at your desk).  Most are 18-20 minutes, and there are thousands of choices that will inspire, uplift or entertain you.  It's a great way to shift your perspective and lighten up.

--Take a walk--preferably outside, and preferably in nature if there is a park nearby.

--Meditate for 15 minutes if that is possible, or simply close your eyes and breathe for 2 or 3 minutes

--Find a reason to smile.  Doing so immediately brightens your radiance.

--Go spend a few minutes with someone you enjoy.  No complaining--just laughing!

Before you do anything of these things, set an intention of how you would like to feel, and then let it go. You'll likely find that this sequence--intention; letting go; action--will help you feel lighter, brighter, more alert and ready to flow into the afternoon.


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