Thursday, January 30, 2014

How to be more creative

Dear Energy Lady,
I feel like I'm in a big rut-is there an energy way to get some creativity going?

Dear Bored,
It's easy to get in a rut.  We think about 50,000 thoughts a day, and more than 90% are a rehash of what we thought yesterday.  When we think the same thoughts repeatedly, the neurons that transmit them actually wire together in our brains.  That's part of what creates the rut.

You either have to make an effort to think a new, positive thought, or try a new approach.  Trying to access your creativity through your memories or experiences will just give you variations of what you've already experienced, which won't feel very creative.

So if you'd like to have a little fun, access your mental body, which is in a finer vibrational state than your physical one.  Fresh ideas come to us through our mental body-things that are in the energy field around us, or what some people call our higher mind.

To access this, you need to stop thinking, at least for a little while.  Some people do this through meditation.  Others do it by running, sewing or another hobby that distracts them for a while.  You can also do this by just going and having fun.  Relax.  Laugh!  Just let your thoughts go.

How does not thinking relate to creativity?  Because when you're in a more open state, answers to your problems can"pop in" to your consciousness.  Intuitive "hits" happen naturally.  You have "ah ha!" moments.

When you get these, if they feel right to you, then act on them.  If you do, you'll start living a life that's not just creative, it's co-creative with the universe.  There's unlimited potential in that.


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