Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On the wings of love

Dear Energy Lady,
Why is it that when you're in love, everything in your life works better?  And how can you keep the energy going when the relationship starts to settle into a softer rhythm?

Flying High

Dear Flying,
Love is a very high vibration.  Dr. David Hawkins calibrated a vibrational scale that you'll find in his book, "Power Versus Force," and love calibrates at a level of 500 out of 1000.  And if you're feeling a little bit joyful, that calibrates at 540.   Only Peace and Enlightenment are higher.

So when you're vibrating at such a high level, you create and magnetize experiences that resonate at the same level.   Since these vibrate at the same level as love, these experiences usually feel very good to you, so you consider that your life is "working better."  But it really isn't life that's working any better; it's you.

Of course it's natural to want to keep this feeling going as long as you can.  But that's the thing with energy: you can't hold on to it or stop it.  It has to flow.  And honestly, you wouldn't appreciate the feeling of love or beauty if you didn't also experience the contrast of the lower vibrations.

This said, you can keep your vibration high by continuously releasing love.  Just let it go.  This creates a vacuum so that more love can flow in.  And if you believe that love is limitless, that's exactly what will happen.  So you need to trust that love is abundant for everyone.

Actually, since love is what makes up all of creation, you may start to see/experience it everywhere.   So try this:  start paying attention.  Look for love in all its forms.  Young love.  Old love.  Friends.  Care-giving.  Grieving when someone you love dies.  Love of animals, earth, hobbies...you name it.  Love is everywhere.

Get used to the idea that love is your/our natural state of being, and it's only the stories we tell ourselves that covers it up.  So the more you deliberately try to get in touch with it every day, the "higher" you'll feel about life and in life.

Love you!

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