Sunday, August 18, 2013

10 blocks to manifestation

Dear Energy Lady,
I am a great visualizer--I have a terrific imagination, and no have no problem having vivid, almost-real thoughts.  My problem is that I'm not manifesting things as fast as I think I should be.  What's the problem?

Fantasy Land

Dear Fantasy,
Sounds like you just have some old, stale energy that's blocking your creations.  Here's a partial list of what might be mucking up the works:

--Old beliefs that no longer serve you
--A negative environment that is neutralizing your creative efforts
--Stuck energy (do you sit around a lot?  Get up and move!)
--Doubts and/or fears about manifesting what you think you want
--Trying to control outcomes in a very specific way
--"Working" at manifesting rather than allowing it
--Wanting something--the more you want, the more you create separation between yourself and the thing you're trying to create.  Try imagining that you have it, not that you don't
--Thinking of something happening in the "future"  (everything is created in the now)
--Trying to manifest something that's good for you, but could be harmful to others
--Trying to manifest something in someone else's life

When you manifest, ask what your intention is in doing so.  What is the ultimate result or outcome you're trying to create?  Focus on the changed state of being, and see if it feels light, peaceful and happy to you and all who are touched by it.  If the answer is yes, carry on.  If not, back off and just enjoy the life you have in this moment, for it too was created by you.  Then things can unfold naturally from there.

Have fun!


1 comment:

  1. If you are dealing with anxiety issues, one way to help is
    to change the way you think. Too much negative thinking can lead to anxiety.
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