Sunday, June 19, 2011

Travel to Paris?

Dear Energy Lady,
I want to travel the world, but only have enough money for a roadtrip home.  How will I ever get to see Paris?

Need to fly

Dear Fly,
Choose the places in the world that you want to see.  Create an ideal itinerary for yourself.  Put each item on the itinerary in a book, and find photographs that illustrate where you want to go.  Spend time every day looking at the pictures and imagining yourself in that place.  If you can, try to bring it alive with all five of your senses--what would you see, hear, smell, taste and touch (or feel emotionally) when you're there?

Send yourself emails or letters talking about your trip as if it had already happened.  In other words, let it live and thrive in your imagination, and have fun!  Let yourself think it, feel it, enjoy it.

Then relax.  You've created what you want; now let it enter your life.

You can certainly save up money while you're doing this, or simply welcome things like possible job assignments, chances to win plane tickets and/or trips, long-lost relatives appearing who send you plane tickets, etc.   In other words, let the field bring you what you need to get going.  As long as you don't resist, doubt or say "Oh, but all this travel is just in my mind," you'll find that what you need starts showing up.

Have fun!  And please send me a postcard from Paris!

The Energy Lady

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