Saturday, June 25, 2011

Losing 10 pounds by having fun

Dear Energy Lady,
I am trying to lose 10 pounds, but I hate going to the gym.  What's your advice to keep me going there?

Feelin' Fat

Dear FF,
Stop trying to lose weight, and instead, USE your weight.  In other words, if you have 10 extra pounds, think of it as money that you get to spend.  There's 3500 calories in a pound, so you have 35,000 energy units to invest or spend however you wish.  Whooo hooo!  You're rich!

The trick is to use the energy on anything that makes you happy.  Obviously, going to the gym isn't it.  But how about chasing butterflies with a 5-year-old?  Climbing up into the boughs of an old tree and seeing the world through a whole new perspective?  Playing hop scotch?  Turning your driveway into a world of chalk art?  Taking your neighbor's dog for a walk?

Make a list of 100 things you'd LOVE to do.   Then start doing them.  You'll know you're using the energy in your "bank" when your clothes get loose and you start feeling freer.

Put your attention on your life and take it off your weight, because anything you pay attention to expands.  When you do, you'll find yourself less likely to overeat, because you're not feeling empty or "hungry" for experience.  Remember that the purpose of your body is to give you a vehicle with which you can engage with and enjoy life.

Live large and have fun!

The Energy Lady

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