Thursday, February 28, 2013

What are some energetic practices for work?

Dear Energy Lady,
Like millions of other people, I feel like I am overworked.  I like my work and am happy to have my job, but feel like no matter what I get done, it's never enough.  Is there any way I could use energy to get more done, or get things done faster?

Need some good vibrations

Dear Good Vibes,
Yes indeed--there are many ways you can use energy at work to improve your results.   You'll want to look at this Fullistically--that is, with all of your energy bodies aligned and working in multiple dimensions simultaneously.  Doing so will increase your likelihood of having coincidences, signs, intuitive hints and manifestations show up to support you in whatever you are doing.

So how do you do it?

Start the day in the highest vibrational way possible.  Smile while you're still in bed.  I know it's hard, but  just lay there for a second or two after the alarm goes off, stretch and get the night kinks out, and make a big, toothy grin.  If you think it's funny, laugh--that's the idea.  As you've heard me say before, it's impossible to feel bad when you're smiling, so you're getting your good vibes up before you even get out of bed.

Then, as you go through your morning routine, stay as present as you can.  An easy way to do this is to say out loud (or mumble to yourself) whatever you're currently doing.  Ex: "Now I'm making coffee, and smelling the aroma as I open the can." "Now I'm making my breakfast, and it tastes good."  "Now I'm putting my darling baby in the car seat to take to the childcare center."   What this does is keep you out of worrying and fretting about all the things you have to do later in the day; worry not only lowers your vibration and blocks the flow of energy; it makes you magnetic to things you don't want, like hitting every traffic light or forgetting important papers at home.  If you don't want to play the "now" game, then sit down and make a list of everything you have to get done so you can get it off your mind, at least a little.

On your commute, listen to music that makes you feel happy.  I had a friend who loved German march music, and would drive with his convertible top down and the music blasting, even in the dead of winter.   He was always in a good mood when he got to work, revved up and ready to go.  Personally, I like spa or coffee house music--both keep me in a happy, relaxed mood.  Just stay away from the news, which is always bad.  (Listening to the traffic reports is ok--can keep you from hitting a traffic jam, which would only annoy you.)

At work, smile at everyone you meet, even if you have to force it.  Stay away from energy vampires or truly negative people--send them love...from a distance.

When you get to your work site, simply say thanks for the opportunity to be of service, either as a form of prayer, or just in your head.  If you have a few seconds, you can drop down into your heart space and say it--it's more powerful that way.

With each thing on your To Do list, set an intention before you begin working on it.  "I intend to get the data for this report reviewed accurately."  "I intend to be 100% safe on the production line."  "I intend to listen thoughtfully in this meeting."  Choose how you want to be, and you will be able to maintain a higher vibrational state.

Once your vibrational state is higher, you'll likely get intuitive "hints" as the day goes on.  Follow these--they're coming from your higher vibrational bodies, and are likely to help you.  You know it's not your ego talking if following the advice you're sensing makes you feel peaceful.  Ego always makes you feel powerful, different than others or separate in some way.

To manifest "coincidences" that will help you get your work done faster, decide what you'd like to have happen.  Be specific about what would be delightful.  Then say it aloud (and it's critical that you do speak the words and not simply think them, since speaking 1) announces to yourself what you believe and want;  2) improves your health, since your body believes every word you say; and 3) launches sound vibrations that carry a character, tone and intensity.  These vibrations are magnetic, and will attract like energy in the form of people and other resources).  

It is important to remember NOT to say, "I NEED this!"  or "I WANT this!"  If you do that, you just launched the energy of needing and wanting, and you'll go on needing and wanting.  Instead, say something like, "I happy welcome and accept all the loving support that is here for me now that allows me to ________ (finish this report, stay safe on my shift, listen thoughtfully in my meeting, meet this client's needs, etc.).  

If it's clients or sales you crave, you can also welcome them:  "I happy welcome all clients that would benefit from working with me; who value and appreciate the talents that flow through me to them."

Finally, choose an hour you want to leave work, and at the appointed time, put away your work and leave.  Stand at your workplace for just a moment, and bless what you have done there that day.  Remember that when God created heaven and earth, the divine did not say, "Oops!  Forgot the land and the water!"   Instead, God blessed the new creation and said, "This is good."  So all you have to do is say, "Good work today, _______ (your name).

Any of these practices will raise your vibration and make you more magnetic to the help you seek.  Using all of them (and there are more--I'll try to talk about these in future blog posts) aligns your energy bodies and keeps you well connected to the field of all potential.   The more aligned you are, the more you will draw love to and through you in ways you simply cannot imagine.

One note:  If you're feeling very negative, angry, frightened or frustrated, don't use these practices.  Instead, simply acknowledge the negative and say, "I accept that I am in a low vibrational state right now and love myself as I am."  Fighting negativity only gives it more power.  It needs love, not rejection.  And if you are willing to feel differently, add, "I am ready to feel better, and welcome all resources that will enable me to do so."

Have fun!


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