Monday, February 25, 2013

Am I in the right place?

Dear Energy Lady,
I have started to wonder whether or not I'm in the right job.  I like the people and the work, my boss is ok and the pay is reasonable, but when I'm there, I feel like my energy is on half throttle.  I try to have a good attitude and be happy, but that's just it--it feels like effort.  What's up?

Am I crazy?

Dear Crazy,
No, you're not.  Every organization has a culture, or "the way we do things around here."  And that culture usually requires you to fit in, although that doesn't necessarily mean that you belong there.
As you fit in, you take on the energy of the group.  Much of this energy is likely to be negative, since we have 50,000 thoughts each day, and approximately 40,000 of these are framed negatively.  Even if people are pleasant, they still can--and usually do--harbor negative thoughts and feelings.  And these days, with so much stress in the workplace, it's hard not to find yourself surrounded by people who are struggling with their own focus and energy.  Multiply negativity or low vibrations by dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, and you'll start to understand why you feel down.

So what can you do?  You can test the energy field to see if you will be able to thrive within it.  Close your eyes.  Start in your head, and imagine an elevator going down to your heart.  When the elevator doors open, step out.  See how you feel and "glow" in this heart space.  Get comfortable there--it should feel very good to you.

Then imagine the building in which you work.  Let the image blur in your imagination.  You may not actually "see" anything, but you might hear a sound or smell something or get a feeling.  In any case, you'll sense something that represents where you work.

Once you have that feeling, color or sense, allow the light that you found in your heart to approach the energy field of your workplace.  One of three things will likely happen:  1) your energy will "bounce off" the energy field of your workplace, and you won't be able to get in; 2) your energy will penetrate the energy field of the workplace, but once inside, you'll disappear or turn into a blob of nothing;  or 3) your energy will penetrate the field of the workplace, and will continue to glow and be distinct.

If the first happens, you probably belong somewhere else.  If the second happens, you will lose your uniqueness if you stay, or it will take tremendous effort that may or may not be worth it.  Again, you may want to leave and find a new job.  It the third happens, you can thrive in that environment; it's up to you to find out how and where you are best suited to the organization's mission.

Just as every organization has negative energy, it also has positive energy.  See if the positive energy in yours makes you glow.  If it does, start paying attention to where you feel best.  Notice the people, subjects, clients or opportunities that interest you the most.  See if you can work more with them.

Glow on!


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