Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feeling Stuck

Dear Energy Lady,
I'm stuck--I have no reason to feel down, yet I do.  I am overweight and hate the way I look, yet I do nothing.

Do I need a shrink?

Dear Shrink,
I am not a psychologist or any form of mental health professional, but if you're asking for an energetic take on your situation, I would say that you're at a low vibrational point, which makes it difficult for wonderful new things to enter your life.  You say you have no reason to feel down, and yet if you feel stuck, that's reason enough.  Any belief or feeling of "stuckness" can stop the flow of love and joy.

Also, if you're focused on what you hate about yourself, it's impossible to think about what you like about yourself at the same time, as the human brain can only focus on one thing at a time (multitasking is a myth--you're just "mini-tasking," and giving everything less attention).   So right now--this very instant--think of one thing you like about yourself.  If you can't think of anything, think of something you don't hate about yourself.  And if you can't do that, just sit there and smile.  It's biologically impossible for you to feel bad when you're smiling.  If you can't force yourself to smile, go turn on a funny movie or TV show and laugh.

You do know how to smile.  You've just forgotten or haven't used it in a while.  The average American child smiles 400 times a day.  The average American smiles....ready?  Less than 15 times a day.  So you're not alone.  Too many adults have forgotten how to smile.

A smile improves your health, always makes you look better, and helps others.  And energetically, it raises your vibration.  You don't need to change anything else about yourself to look and feel better.  And if you want to have some fun, go out tomorrow and smile at every single person you see.  Some won't smile back, but some will.  Smiling at others is one of the greatest gifts you can give--it's love, health, and peace, all rolled into one.

What you're giving to others, you give to yourself.  It wouldn't surprise me that if you made a habit of smiling more, you'd not only start to feel better about yourself, but you will probably hear others compliment or thank you.  People love to be around other people who make them feel good, and your weight won't matter.  The more you raise your vibration, the better people will feel when they're around you, and they won't know why.

As for your weight or other issues, it's up to you to choose what you want to do.  Make a decision, and then, as my best friend used to say, make it good.  Overweight is just stuck energy--calories that aren't going anywhere.  If you're unhappy, it's hard to know where to spend this energetic wealth.  But once you feel happier, you will undoubtedly begin to think of things you want to do or try.  The formula to lose weight is very simple:  Use the energy you have in "storage" to make good things happen in your life.  The more happiness you gain, the more weight you will lose, as long as you take action.  And if you'd rather take care of your unhappiness first, there are many loving, talented professionals who can help you do that.

No matter what you use to get yourself glowing, expect that once you make the decision and take action to feel better, you will.   If you can't do it for yourself, do it for the rest of us, because if a butterfly flapping its wings off the coast of Brazil can change the tides in Florida, then you're feeling good can impact countless others.  Happiness has a way of spreading once it starts.

I hope you feel better soon!

Energy Lady

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