Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Restless and wondering

Dear Energy Lady,
I feel restless.  I keep thinking I should be somewhere else, doing something else.  My life's not terrible--there are parts of it I really like--but I just have this sense that there could be something more, or that I should be doing something different.

Missing a piece

Dear Missing,
Energetically, there could be several things going on. See if any of these resonates with you:

1) You have multiple energy bodies, not just the physical one you see in the mirror.  One of these is your mental body, which brings in new thoughts from the quantum field of possibilities.  You are always receiving new messages, most of which you ignore or transform into things that keep you where you are.  The higher, finer energy bodies bring us vibrations of love and joy, so if you're resisting these, it could be making you feel uneasy because you incarnated to experience both.

2) Remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so when people "die," they really just transform into a higher vibrational state.  Heaven isn't "over the rainbow" or "above the clouds" or "in outer space"--it's here with us, right now.  So you could be picking up the presence of your spirit guides or loved ones who have passed on, who may be lovingly nudging you towards something new, or suggesting that you look at what you already have differently.

3) You could be picking up on the vibrational field of the physical world, that insists we should both want and have more, more, more!  Our world is geared towards the accumulation of stuff and power, which, ironically, just makes us more dense and stuck.  When that happens, we feel restless because we want to break free.

4) You have a dream you've always wanted to fulfill, and it's nagging at you.  Is the time to pursue it now?  Or perhaps just parts of it?  If you did fulfill or pursue it, would it make you forget about being or doing anything else?

5) Somewhere on this planet, there is someone or something that needs your energy and is calling to you.  You might discover this in a dream or meditation state.  A friend of mine had that happen to her: she heard a name in a dream, and the next morning, looked it up in the phonebook of a major city.  She called, and the woman said, "Oh yes!  I was practicing putting out signals in my meditations. I wondered if anyone would pick it up."

6) You may have an old belief that needs releasing.  Were you raised to believe you were never good enough, or that you had to move or advance or be or do something in a particular time in order to "be somebody"?  It may just be some old junk in your head that has come up to be examined and released.

In any case, the energetic way to make it ease up is to give the feeling your full, undivided attention.  Don't try to make it go away.  Welcome it.  Sit with it.  Pretend that you are at one table together, talking to each other.  Listen to what it has to say.  If it bothers you, try to figure out why.  If it makes you feel good, consider the lesson it is trying to bring you.  It's fine if you think you're making up both parts--you are.  For you are not only the earthly, physical you.  The field of possibilities, the spirit guides, the dreams, the noise--all of it is you, in different forms and vibrational states.

So relax.  Listen.  And then likely...let go.  If you need help with the latter, check out the Sedona Method, Byron Katie's "The Work,"  Christie Marie Sheldon's "Love and Above" or "The Tapping Solution."  If the problem seems to be more subconscious or earth-bound, you may want to look into career or other forms of counseling.


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