Sunday, October 20, 2013

Get ready, get set...

It's Sunday night as I write this, and I'm wondering how many of you are dreading the start of the new work week.  When you saw the title of this blog post that said, "get ready, get set..."  were you thinking, "Oh no!  Here we go again!"  or were you thinking, "I get to GO into a bright, new, shiny week!"

If you're one of the people who can't wait for Wednesdays because that's "hump day" (meaning that you've gotten over the 'hill' of the first three days of the week), then my guess is that energetically, you're dragging a lot of negative energy into your new week.  If you are, here are a few tips that will make this week a lot easier:

--Whatever happened last week, let it go.  Even if you had a fabulous week where everything went right, tomorrow, as Scarlett O'Hara says in 'Gone with the Wind,' is a new day.  Energetically, when you let go, something new can enter.  If you're already at a high vibrational state, then something even higher can enter.  And if you are or were at a low state, something higher can come in.  Either way, you win.

--Walk into work singing, or if you can't bring yourself to do that, then at least humming.  And if you can't hum, dance your way in the door.  I don't care if you are an attorney in a buttoned-up firm; you've got music in you, and that vibe will take you a lot farther than anger and worry and a "do battle" attitude.

--Remember Dr. David Hawkins' scale of vibrational increase.  Force does not equal power.  You have power.  You ARE power.  You do not need to force anything.  And when you do think or actually force something, you shut down your power.  Just let it flow.

--Smile--at least 15 times a day.  The average American child smiles more than 400 times a day; the average American adult, less than 15.  If you smile at least 15 times a day, you'll automatically feel better, since it's impossible to feel bad when you're smiling (try it if you don't believe me).  When you feel good, you vibrate higher.  When you vibrate higher, what you create and attract through your vibratory state is bigger and better.

--Stop trying to "figure things out."  Use your intuition--particularly for your most difficult problems.  You'll get better answers.  Paying attention to your problems only energizes them, giving you bigger problems.  Using your intuition will help solutions come to and through you.

--Laugh every day this week.  No matter what you're doing, enjoy being you!  And don't take yourself or anything too seriously.  Everything in life is changeable, and remember: everything turns out all right in the end, and if it's not all right, it's not the end.  :)


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