Monday, October 7, 2013

Are you happy today?

Dear Energy Lady,
Got any ideas on how to be happier?  It seems like every time I try, I get let down.  I'm tired of hoping for things that don't happen.


Dear Disappointed,
What you're saying is that you can only be happy if certain things that you hope for happen (if I'm understanding you correctly).  So you raise your hopes that those things will happen, and if they don't, or don't happen the way you hoped they would, you don't feel you can be happy, so you're not.

From an energy perspective, you're doing it backwards, or at least a lot harder than it needs to be.  By withholding your happiness, you're keeping your vibration low.  By keeping your vibration low, you almost guarantee that the thing you want to happen, in a way that would make you feel good, is almost impossible.  This is because 1) you're not a vibrational match to it and 2) you'll have to try doubly or triply as hard to get any kind of result at all.

So try this:  Stop hoping or expecting.  I'm not saying to give up hope--just to set it aside for now.  Same thing with expectation.  Right now, your expectation is that you're going to be disappointed, so you keep manifesting more disappointment.  So set aside any expectation, good or bad.

The next time you do something, do it because you want to do it.  Take as much pleasure as you can in the doing of it.  Just stay as present and as focused on the activity itself as you can.  Don't think about where it's leading or what could come of it.  Just enjoy!

In that state of enjoyment, your vibration rises, and the energy flow begins.  Let it make you feel as good as it does.  Be as satisfied with it as you can be.  It's ok if it's not perfection or bliss.  Try smiling as you do whatever you do; it's biologically impossible to feel bad when you're smiling.

So just relax and enjoy being you and doing what you do.  Without placing conditions on that, more happiness can enter, naturally.  Be aware of that.

You can also keep a gratitude list; many people have found that counting their blessings makes them feel happier.


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